Coming Soon

Our patient price estimator tool will be activated by January 1, 2021 or sooner.

Patient Price Information List

Disclaimer: Allen Parish Community Healthcare determines its standard charges for patient items and services through the use of a chargemaster system, which is a list of charges for the components of patient care that go into every patient’s bill. These are the baseline rates for items and services provided at the Hospital. The chargemaster is similar in concept to the manufacturer’s suggested retail price (“MSRP”) on a particular product or good. The charges listed provide only a general starting point in determining the potential costs of an individual patient’s care at the Hospital. This list does not reflect the actual out-of-pocket costs that may be paid by a patient for any particular service, it is not binding, and the actual charges for items and services may vary.

Many factors may influence the actual cost of an item or service, including insurance coverage, rates negotiated with payors, and so on. Government payors, such as Medicare and Medicaid for example, do not pay the chargemaster rates, but rather have their own set rates that hospitals are obligated to accept. Commercial insurance payments are based on contract negotiations with payors and may or may not reflect the standard charges. The cost of treatment also may be impacted by variables involved in a patient’s actual care, such as specific equipment or supplies required, the length of time spent in surgery or recovery, additional tests, or any changes in care or unexpected conditions or complications that arise. Moreover, the foregoing list of charges for services only includes charges from the Hospital. It does not reflect the charges for physicians, such as the surgeon, anesthesiologist, radiologist, pathologist, or other physician specialists or providers who may be involved in providing particular services to a patient. These charges are billed separately.

Individuals with questions about their out-of-pocket costs of service and other financial information should contact the hospital or consider contacting their insurers for further information.


In order to present a meaningful comparison, Allen Parish Community Healthcare has partnered with Hospital Pricing Specialists LLC to analyze current charges, based off CMS adjudicated claims through 12/31/23. Allen Parish Community Healthcare's charges are displayed and compared with the local market charge, consisting of the following hospitals:

Hospital Name

CHRISTUS Ochsner St. Patrick Hospital

Lake Charles


Lake Charles Memorial Hospital

Lake Charles


Ochsner American Legion Hospital





Our Charge
Market Charge


Abdominal and pelvic CT scan with contrast for injury, foreign bodies, or tumors [HCPCS 74177]


72% lower than market

Abdominal ultrasound (complete) [HCPCS 76700]


42% lower than market

Head or brain CT scan without contrast to examine injury, foreign bodies, or tumors [HCPCS 70450]


78% lower than market

Imaging of pelvis by ultrasound through vagina [HCPCS 76830]


29% lower than market

Lab analysis of urine specimen by dipstick with microscope (automated) [HCPCS 81001]


79% lower than market

Lab analysis of urine specimen by dipstick without microscope (automated) [HCPCS 81003]


74% lower than market

Lab analysis to evaluate kidney function via a blood test panel [HCPCS 80069]


77% lower than market

Lab analysis to evaluate the clotting time in plasma specimen and monitor drug effectiveness [HCPCS 85610]


45% lower than market

Lab analysis to identify the thyroid stimulating hormone (tsh) in blood specimen [HCPCS 84443]


38% lower than market

Lab analysis to measure coagulation in plasma or whole blood specimen [HCPCS 85730]


50% lower than market

Lab analysis to measure complete blood cell count (red cells, white blood cell, and platelets), automated test [HCPCS 85027]


53% lower than market

Lab analysis to measure complete blood cell count (red cells, white blood cell, and platelets), automated test and automated differential white blood cell count [HCPCS 85025]


61% lower than market

Lab analysis to measure the amount of albumin, total and direct bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, total protein, alanine amino transferase, and asparate amino transferase in blood specimen to evaluate liver function [HCPCS 800


77% lower than market

Lab analysis to measure the amount of free PSA (prostate specific antigen) in serum specimen [HCPCS 84154]


8% lower than market

Lab analysis to measure the amount of lipids (cholesterol and triglycerides) in blood specimen [HCPCS 80061]


15% lower than market

Lab analysis to measure the amount of total calcium, carbon dioxide (bicarbonate), chloride, creatinine, glucose, potassium, sodium, and urea nitrogen (BUN) in blood specimen [HCPCS 80048]


71% lower than market

Lab analysis to measure the amount of total PSA (prostate specific antigen) in serum specimen [HCPCS 84153]


21% lower than market

Lab analysis via blood test to measure a comprehensive group of blood chemicals [HCPCS 80053]


74% lower than market

Spinal x-ray of lower and sacral spine (minimum of 4 views) [HCPCS 72110]


26% lower than market



Our Charge
Market Charge


Critical care delivery to critically ill or injured patient (first 30-74 minutes) [HCPCS 99291]


8% lower than market

Emergency department visit for problem of high severity [HCPCS 99284]


27% lower than market

Emergency department visit for problem of low to moderate severity [HCPCS 99282]


30% lower than market

Emergency department visit for problem of moderate severity [HCPCS 99283]


18% lower than market

Emergency department visit for problem with significant threat to life [HCPCS 99285]


22% lower than market



Our Charge
Market Charge


Lab analysis by nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) to identify antigen of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (Covid-19) [HCPCS 87635]


16% lower than market

Lab analysis of blood culture to identify bacteria [HCPCS 87040]


69% lower than market

Lab analysis to evaluate an antimicrobial drug (antibiotic, antifungal, antiviral) by microdilution or agar dilution (each multi-antimicrobial, per plate) [HCPCS 87186]


60% lower than market

Lab analysis to identify antibodies for rheumatoid arthritis assessment [HCPCS 86200]


68% lower than market

Lab analysis to measure coagulation function measurement of D-dimer (quantitative) [HCPCS 85379]


53% lower than market

Lab analysis to measure free thyroxine (thyroid chemical) in serum specimen [HCPCS 84439]


21% lower than market

Lab analysis to measure red blood cell sedimentation rate to detect inflammation (non-automated) [HCPCS 85651]


58% lower than market

Lab analysis to measure the amount of C-reactive protein in serum to identify infection or inflammation [HCPCS 86140]


76% lower than market

Lab analysis to measure the amount of free thyroid hormone, T3 in serum specimen [HCPCS 84481]


24% lower than market

Lab analysis to measure the amount of troponin (protein) in serum specimen [HCPCS 84484]


73% lower than market

Lab analysis to measure the amylase (enzyme) level in serum specimen [HCPCS 82150]


72% lower than market

Lab analysis to measure the creatine kinase (cardiac enzyme) level (MB fraction only) [HCPCS 82553]


45% lower than market

Lab analysis to measure the creatinine level to test for kidney function or muscle injury (other than blood specimen) [HCPCS 82570]


63% lower than market

Lab analysis to measure the cyanocobalamin (vitamin b-12) level [HCPCS 82607]


52% lower than market

Lab analysis to measure the ferritin (blood protein) level [HCPCS 82728]


42% lower than market

Lab analysis to measure the folic acid level in serum specimen [HCPCS 82746]


42% lower than market

Lab analysis to measure the hemoglobin A1C level in blood specimen [HCPCS 83036]


37% lower than market

Lab analysis to measure the iron level [HCPCS 83540]


48% lower than market

Lab analysis to measure the lactate dehydrogenase (enzyme) level [HCPCS 83615]


48% lower than market

Lab analysis to measure the lactic acid level in blood, plasma, or cerbrospinal fluid specimen [HCPCS 83605]


73% lower than market

Lab analysis to measure the lipase (fat enzyme) level [HCPCS 83690]


57% lower than market

Lab analysis to measure the magnesium level in body fluids and cells [HCPCS 83735]


61% lower than market

Lab analysis to measure the natriuretic peptide (heart and blood vessel protein) level in plasma specimen [HCPCS 83880]


26% lower than market

Lab analysis to measure the parathormone (parathyroid hormone) level [HCPCS 83970]


27% lower than market

Lab analysis to measure the phosphate level [HCPCS 84100]


64% lower than market

Lab analysis to measure the total calcium level in blood specimen [HCPCS 82310]


51% lower than market

Lab analysis to measure the total creatine kinase (cardiac enzyme) level in blood specimen [HCPCS 82550]


59% lower than market

Lab analysis to measure the total protein level in urine specimen [HCPCS 84156]


64% lower than market

Lab analysis to measure the uric acid level in blood specimen [HCPCS 84550]


45% lower than market

Lab analysis to measure the vitamin D-3 level in serum or plasma specimen [HCPCS 82306]


56% lower than market

Lab analysis to measure total testosterone (hormone) level in serum specimen [HCPCS 84403]


37% lower than market

Lab analysis to screen for autoimmune disorders [HCPCS 86038]


55% lower than market

Lab blood analysis to identify antigens on red blood cell surface and determine the patient's Rh (D) type (Rh positive or Rh negative) [HCPCS 86901]


15% higher than market

Lab blood analysis to screen for antibodies to red blood cell antigens (each serum technique) [HCPCS 86850]


51% lower than market

Psa screening [HCPCS G0103]


33% lower than market

Rbc leukocytes reduced [HCPCS P9016]


13% higher than market



Our Charge
Market Charge


Drug administration beneath the skin or into muscle by injection for therapy, diagnosis, or prevention [HCPCS 96372]


34% lower than market

Drug administration into vein by infusion for therapy, prevention, or diagnosis (each additional hour) [HCPCS 96366]


61% lower than market

Drug administration into vein by infusion for therapy, prevention, or diagnosis (up to 1 hour) [HCPCS 96365]


22% lower than market

Drug administration into vein by push technique for therapy, diagnosis, or prevention (each additional push of same drug) [HCPCS 96376]


58% lower than market

Hydration administration into vein by infusion (31 minutes to 1 hour) [HCPCS 96360]


22% lower than market

Hydration administration into vein by infusion (each additional hour) [HCPCS 96361]


59% lower than market

Immunization administration of vaccine into, between, or beneath the skin or into muscle (single vaccine) [HCPCS 90471]


1% higher than market



Our Charge
Market Charge


Hospital observation per hr [HCPCS G0378]


28% higher than market



Our Charge
Market Charge


Hocm 350-399mg/ml iodine,1ml [HCPCS Q9963]


56% lower than market



Our Charge
Market Charge


Adrenalin epinephrine inject [HCPCS J0171]


51% lower than market

Ceftriaxone sodium injection [HCPCS J0696]


28% lower than market

Dexamethasone sodium phos [HCPCS J1100]


24% higher than market

Drug administration into vein by push technique for therapy, diagnosis, or prevention (each additional push of new drug) [HCPCS 96375]


51% lower than market

Drug administration into vein by push technique for therapy, diagnosis, or prevention (initial drug) [HCPCS 96374]


29% higher than market

Hydromorphone injection [HCPCS J1170]


3% higher than market

Inj enoxaparin sodium [HCPCS J1650]


19% lower than market

Inj potassium chloride [HCPCS J3480]


4% higher than market

Ketorolac tromethamine inj [HCPCS J1885]


36% lower than market

Levetiracetam injection [HCPCS J1953]


35% lower than market

Levofloxacin injection [HCPCS J1956]


1% higher than market

Methylprednisolone injection [HCPCS J2930]


67% lower than market

Morphine sulfate injection [HCPCS J2270]


18% lower than market

Piperacillin/tazobactam [HCPCS J2543]


56% lower than market

Tetanus, diphtheria toxoids and acellular pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine for injection into muscle (7 years of age or older) [HCPCS 90715]


36% lower than market



Our Charge
Market Charge


Routine EKG (electrocardiogram) tracing using at least 12 wires [HCPCS 93005]


51% lower than market



Our Charge
Market Charge


Airway inhalation treatment to relieve airway obstruction or for sputum collection (inhaled pressure or nonpressure treatment) [HCPCS 94640]


18% higher than market



Our Charge
Market Charge


Needle insertion into vein for collection of blood sample [HCPCS 36415]


55% lower than market



Our Charge
Market Charge


Abdominal and pelvic CT scan without contrast for injury, foreign bodies, or tumors [HCPCS 74176]


69% lower than market

Chest x-ray (2 views) [HCPCS 71046]


44% lower than market

Chest x-ray (single view) [HCPCS 71045]


24% lower than market

Heart ultrasound including color-depicted blood flow rate, direction, and valve function [HCPCS 93306]


43% lower than market

Hip x-ray of hip with pelvis (2 to 3 views) [HCPCS 73502]


39% lower than market

Knee x-ray (3 views) [HCPCS 73562]


22% lower than market

Shoulder x-ray, complete study (minimum of 2 views) [HCPCS 73030]


31% lower than market

Spinal x-ray of lower and sacral spine (2 or 3 views) [HCPCS 72100]


5% higher than market


How You Can Help

Thank you for choosing Allen Parish Community Healthcare for your healthcare needs. We want to make understanding and paying your bill as easy as possible. Here are some ways you can help us as we work to make the billing process go smoothly.

• Please give us complete health insurance information.

In addition to your health insurance card, we may ask for a photo ID. If you have been seen at Allen Parish Community Healthcare, let us know if your personal information or insurance information has changed since your last visit.

• Please understand and follow the requirements of your health plan.

Be sure to know your benefits, obtain proper authorization for services and submit referral claim forms if necessary. Many insurance plans require patients to pay a co-payment or deductible amount. You are responsible for paying co-payments required by your insurance provider and Allen Parish Community Healthcare is responsible for collecting co-payments. Please come to your appointment prepared to make your co-payment.

• Please respond promptly to any requests from your insurance provider.

You may receive multiple bills from your hospital visit, including your family doctor, specialists, physicians that read x-rays, providers that give anesthesia, or physicians that interpret blood work. Insurance benefits are the result of your contract with your insurance company. We are a third-party to those benefits and may need your help with your insurance. If your insurance plan does not pay the bill within 90 days after billing, or your claim is denied, you will receive a statement from Allen Parish Community Healthcare indicating the bill is now your responsibility. All bills sent to you are due upon receipt.

Questions about Price and Billing Information

Our goal is for each of our patients and their families to have the best healthcare experience possible. Part of our commitment is to provide you with information that helps you make well informed decisions about your own care.

To ask questions or get more information about a bill for services you've received, please contact our Billing Department at (337) 738-2527.

If you need more information about the price of a future service, please contact our Customer Service at (337) 738-2527. A physician’s order or CPT code is strongly encouraged when you call to assist us in providing you with the most accurate estimate. You can obtain the CPT code from the ordering physician.